Ranking & Statistics : Différence entre versions

De Bayoen ! (wiki)
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(Aucune différence)

Version du 15 mars 2015 à 00:06

The Bayoen.fr community offers a ranking and statistics analysis tool, based on Puyo VS replay files.

Games submitted to the system are analyzed in various ways: player speed, chain building, tactic or all-clear situations. Each player can see his own strengths and weaknesses, or compare himself to others. Beginners gain access to useful information allowing them to identify skills to train on.

Match scores are used to rank players in different periods and world regions.

The system is solely based on player submissions, and allows them to stay anonymous.

This wiki page gives an overview and tutorials of the main system features.


There are 5 main features :

  • player ranking based on match outcome;
  • detailed statistics for players, matches, games and comparison between players;
  • an online replay player ;
  • replay database and download ;
  • player privacy and blacklist.


Ranking and statistics pages are available in 4 languages, using the dropdown menu:

  • French
  • English
  • Japanese
  • Korean

Fr menu.png

Each region has its own language selected by default. Manually choosing another language will permanently translate all pages for the duration of your browsing session.


The system calculates a score for each player, accounting for every available match in the selected region. This is not an ELO-based system, where players gain and lose points individually with each match.

To rank players, the algorithm uses match scores only. Player statistics, like placement speed, are not taken into account.

Section links

The home page shows a world map with the main ranking regions. Clicking on a region will get you to that region's rankings, where players have elected to submit their replays.

On the right of a region's home page, you will find links to full rankings, player and match lists.


Rankings are held by region. The home page allows you to pick a region to be ranked in. This means that both players from a submitted game will appear in the selected region's rankings. However, players can appear in multiple regions.

Fr region.png

A special region is named "world" or "international", and uses matches submitted to all regions to rank players.

Region sorting is done by the players themselves, upon submission. Selecting the appropriate region is up to you!

Sample page : http://www.bayoen.fr/ranking/


Rankings are held for 4 distinct periods:

  • 30 most recent days
  • Current quarter (January - March, April - June, July - September et October - December)
  • Current year
  • All-time
En period.png

Period rankings are reset at the beginning of each period, except for the 30 most recent days which ranks players over a 30 days sliding window.

On a region's home page, the first 10 players from the quarterly ranking are shown.

Sample page : http://www.bayoen.fr/ranking/en/?page=rankings

Ranking algorithm

The algorithm looks at every match available during a given period. It calculates the cumulative sum of win / losses for every player matchup, even if they haven't played together (as long as they have submitted a match during that period). The system gives each player a score by considering everybody's performance at once.


The algorithm is designed to give a score which accounts for every player's performance compared to each other. As long as players meet multiple opponents, the ranking will be more accurate than points given for each match. The ranking will also automatically correct itself as players upload more matches, even for matches against the same player, as win / loss ratios will eventually converge to their most significant value.



Sending replays allows us to analyze each game. The system extracts player statistics and analyzes various situations such as all-clears, attack or defense phases.

The system also keeps an history, enabling the study of a player's improvement over time.

It is possible to zoom almost every graph by clicking and dragging your mouse cursor over it.


Click on a player's name anywhere it appears to get to the following statistics:

  • Summary
    • Chain length breakdown
    • Performance summary
    • Win/loss ratio
    • Overall game statistics
  • Speed
    • Overall pair placement speed
    • Pair-by-pair placement speed
  • Construction
    • Maxchain length history
    • Chain breakdown
    • Average score by chain length
    • Detailed chain length breakdown
    • Main chain cleanliness
  • Tactic
    • Player aggressiveness
    • Agressiveness history
    • Opponent defense rate
    • Short chain power
    • Number of long chains
  • All-clear
    • History
    • All-clear bonus usage
    • All-clear chain length
  • Matchups
    • Matchup list and win/loss ratio by period
  • Games
    • Player's game list

Sample page: http://www.bayoen.fr/ranking/fr/?playername=BLueBLue


Click on a match ID anywhere it appears to get to the following statistics (comparing both players):

  • Overview
  • Speed
    • Pair-by-pair placement speed
    • Overall pair placement speed
  • Construction
    • Maxchain length history
    • Main chain cleanliness
    • Chain breakdown
  • Tactic
    • Player aggressiveness
  • All-clear
    • History
  • Games
    • Match's game list

En matchlink.png

Sample page: http://www.bayoen.fr/ranking/fr/?matchid=1693

Game / replay

Click on a replay ID name anywhere it appears to get to this game's statistics:

  • Overview
  • Speed
    • Pair-by-pair placement speed
  • Construction
    • Maxchain length history
En gamelink.png

Sample page: http://www.bayoen.fr/ranking/fr/?replayid=13873

Player comparison

It is possible to compare two players. Two method currently exist:

  • click on the "vs" link anywhere it appears ;
  • manually enter player names in the page URL.
En comparelink.png

The comparison page displays most individual statistics for both players on the same graphs. However, to avoid cluttering the graphs, a few statistics have been omitted.

Sample page: http://www.bayoen.fr/ranking/fr/?p1=BrouH&p2=BLueBLue

Replay download

All submitted replays may be downloaded, individually or grouped by match. If a player wished to remain anonymous, his nickname will automatically be removed, but the replays stays the same.

En dllink.png

Individual game

On a replay page, click on a download arrow besides the player names. Your .rvs file download will start immediately

Entire match

On a match page, click on a download arrow besides the player names. Your .zip file download containing all the requested replays will start immediately

Sharing, social media and tools

It is possible to share much more than links to player statistics, matches or a specific game!

Online replay player

On a replay details page, an online player enables you to watch a game without launching Puyo VS. The online player controls are shown along with a timeline: each frame refers either to a pair placement (a blue circle), a chaining event (a red or orange circle), garbage drop (a grey circle).

Fr onlineplayer.png

However, several limitations and differences with the actual game exist:

  • fall and rotation animations are absent;
  • during chaining events, the entire chain is popped at once, stopping the opponent's progression.

Consequently, the game players are not in perfect sync. This behavior allows the viewer to focus on every chain without missing a piece of the action.


A .gif animation is generated for every submitted replay, and is available via a link near the online player's controls.

Fr onlineplayer3.png

Specific replay frame

Once a replay frame is shown in the online player, the page URL is modified to include the frame number.

Fr onlineplayer2.png

You may share this link to directly skip to the desired frame.

A link on the left of the player controls links to an image file, easier to embed in a forum or website.

Fr onlineplayer4.png

Chain simulators

Clicking on a player's field at any time will load its contents into an online chain simulator, allowing you to change it or watch it unfold.

Fr chainsim.png

The chain simulator will be in Japanese if you are displaying the page in that language. Puyo Nexus' chain simulator will be used otherwise.

Fr chainsim2.png


It is possible to stay anonymous and hide one's statistics and ranking. Any region home hosts a form to do so.

The system still allows you to access your own statistics and share them anonymously. Matches and games involving you are still available online, but your nickname and statistics will not be available to others.

A random player name will be given to you, and a link will allow you to opt out of the system, should you change your mind. Beware not to lose these links, as they will never be shown to you afterwards!


Voici des explications pas à pas pour utiliser certaines fonctionnalités du système.

Conserver les replays de Puyo VS

  1. Rendez-vous dans les paramètres de Puyo VS (bouton Settings)
  2. Allez dans l'onglet General
  3. Cochez la case Autosave replay file
  4. Validez les changements

Les replays seront sauvegardés dans le dossier du jeu, sous l'arborescence suivante : User\Replays\. Un dossier sera créé pour chaque joueur que vous rencontrerez, dans lequel un sous dossier contiendra tous les replays d'une date donnée.

Envoyer une rencontre

  1. Rendez-vous dans le dossier de la rencontre que vous souhaitez envoyer
  2. Créez un fichier .zip contenant l'ensemble des fichiers .rvs (note : peu importe si les fichiers sont dans un sous-dossier ou non). Pour ce faire :
    1. sous Windows : sélectionnez les fichiers, faites Clic-droit > Envoyer vers > Dossier compressé. Un fichier .zip est alors créé.
    2. sous Mac OS X : sélectionnez les fichiers, faites Clic-droit > Compresser X éléments
    3. sous Linux : cela dépend de votre gestionnaire graphique. Les distributions principales propose une option de compression dans le menu du clic-droit lorsque vous sélectionnez plusieurs fichiers ou un dossier.
  3. Rendez-vous sur http://www.bayoen.fr/ranking/
  4. Choisissez la région pour laquelle vous voulez soumettre la rencontre. En règle général, une partie entre deux joueurs d'un même pays ira dans la région correspondante, et une partie entre joueurs de nationalité différente ira dans la région internationale.
  5. Dans le formulaire en bas de page, sélectionnez-bien Envoyer un match et non la liste noire
  6. Cliquez sur le bouton Choisissez un fichier .zip et parcourez vos fichiers jusqu'à sélectionner l'archie créée précédemment
  7. Cliquez sur le bouton Envoyer

Vous serez alors redirigé vers la page correspondant à la rencontre que vous venez d'envoyer.

Attention, certaines règles sont à respecter et sont rappelées à côté du formulaire d'envoi.

Envoyer / modifier son avatar

Pour envoyer un avatar, c'est simple, il suffit de le joindre à vos replays dans l'archive .zip que vous créez avant de l'envoyer :

  1. Créez une image nommée avatar.png, de dimensions situées entre 150*150 et 200*200 pixels
  2. Incluez-la dans une archive de replays d'une rencontre
  3. Envoyez la rencontre comme expliqué précédemment

Votre avatar remplacera Carbuncle sur votre page de statistiques.

Se rendre anonyme

Pour se rendre anonyme, il suffit d'envoyer une rencontre absente du système dans le fomulaire adéquat :

  1. Créez une archive pour une rencontre, comme expliqué précédemment
  2. Rendez-vous sur http://www.bayoen.fr/ranking/
  3. Choisissez n'importe quelle région
  4. Dans le formulaire en bas de page, sélectionnez-bien Anonymat : s'inscrire sur liste noire
  5. Cliquez sur le bouton Choisissez un fichier .zip et parcourez vos fichiers jusqu'à sélectionner l'archie créée précédemment
  6. Cliquez sur le bouton Envoyer

Une page vous donne alors plusieurs informations utiles que vous devez retenir :

  • un nouveau pseudonyme généré aléatoirement ;
  • un lien vers votre page de statistiques, pour pouvoir la consulter malgré l'anonymat ;
  • un lien vous permettant de vous désinscrire de la liste noire et de rendre à nouveau public votre pseudonyme.

Notez ou souvenez-vous des informations présentées, car elles ne vous seront pas communicables après coup.

Réclamations, suggestions, problèmes techniques...

Pour tout problème avec les classements, les statistiques ou le système d'anonymat, contactez :

  • BLueBLue sur le jeu Puyo VS (chatroom bayoen.fr)
  • rankings - at - bayoen.fr par e-mail